Newborn Stomach Size

Newborn tummies are tiny y’all. Anatomically, they are the size of a cherry at birth. Because of this, they cannot and should not take in large volumes. Aka – babies need to feed frequently. In the first day or two, their little tummy will fill with anywhere between 2-20 ml during a feeding. This is […]

Milk Banks

Did you know that nearly 70% of families with a baby being cared for in the NICU are unable to provide all the milk for their baby’s initial needs? And that by donating your breastmilk, you can aid in saving these babies lives? There are 24 milk banks in the US and hundreds worldwide. With […]

Pregnancy Sex

Due to the hormonal changes inside your body, you may feel more horny than usual during pregnancy. The urge can be really uncontrollable. But this dramatic increase in sex drive is absolutely normal. It is totally safe to engage in sex while pregnant, as long as your doctor hasn’t told you otherwise. And no – […]

Early Labor

In early labor, I encourage my clients to REST. If possible, I recommend going back to sleep or taking a nap in order to conserve energy for active labor. There will be a time when labor demands your attention. Until then, rest. In early labor, I encourage my clients to EAT if hungry and DRINK […]

Remaining in charge of your birth experience…

⚠️REMINDER⚠️You are at the top in the hierarchy of birth. 💬 Let’s check your cervix… 💬 We’re going to break your water to get things going… 💬 You aren’t progressing the way we’d like, so we are going to start pitocin… 💬 Go ahead and start pushing… Have you heard any of these before? 👆🏼 […]

Scar Tissue Issues

Did you know that c-section delivery represents the most common inpatient surgical procedure performed in the United States? A c-section is a major abdominal surgery that results in scar tissue formation🚨 Scar tissue that is left untreated can be problematic for many reasons and can contribute to👇🏼 ✖️Incision pain/pulling ✖️Pelvic pain ✖️Abdominal pain ✖️Back pain […]

Returning to Sex Postpartum: Cleared doesn’t always mean ready

🆘 POSTPARTUM PENETRATION 🆘 The only thing scarier than the first postpartum poop…Am I right, mamas? Okay, but real talk. Being medically cleared does not always mean you are ready to return to s*x 🙀 We all have different comfort levels, different birth experiences and different healing timelines 🕗 Plus, the fear-tension-pain cycle is real, […]

Postpartum is Forever

Planning for postpartum is just as important as planning for birth, if not more so! Hear me out… The quality of care that a woman receives during the postpartum period, will determine her recovery – mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually – and will affect her for the rest of her life. Read that again. Postpartum […]

Pelvic Floor Muscle Tightness After Birth

It’s very rare for you to be “loose” after having a baby. This is an offensive, sexist, and anatomically incorrect statement. In reality, your pelvic floor muscle tone is typically higher after childbirth. The pelvic floor muscles elongate during pregnancy and are stretched with birth. As a result, the muscles usually respond by tightening down. […]