Naperville Fertility Treatment

If you are facing fertility challenges — you understand the personal, exhausting and emotional toll it can take on your body. When preparing to conceive or trying to conceive, we believe in taking a root-cause approach to factors impacting fertility.

We don’t just slap bandages on your symptoms — we work hard to fix whatever’s causing them.

Fertility Treatment in Naperville

At Full Circle Birth & Pelvic Health, we utilize visceral manipulation therapy to ensure your pelvic floor is healthy and all of your internal organs are aligned and functioning properly. It’s a gentle, holistic, and hands-on approach to fertility.

Why Visceral Manipulation for Fertility Treatment?

The benefits of visceral manipulation for individuals experiencing fertility challenges include:

  • Improving Blood Flow and Organ Function: Visceral manipulation improves blood flow to the reproductive organs and pelvic floor muscles, ensuring they get proper nutrients and oxygen. It also supports the overall health and function of major reproductive organs like the uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes.
  • Breaking Down Scar Tissue and Adhesions: Whether you’ve got scar tissue from surgeries, C-sections, or conditions like endometriosis, visceral manipulation improves the flexibility and function of your reproductive system and pelvic floor which, in turn, creates an ideal environment for conception.
  • Assisting in Balancing Hormones: Visceral manipulation can help improve the function of the glands that produce our key reproductive hormones. This encourages a regular menstrual cycle, critical for fertility.
  • Reducing Stress: Visceral manipulation lowers stress and reduces tension in the body, including the pelvic floor, which assists in conception. It can also reduce the anxiety and stress related to fertility challenges.

Whether you're dealing with fertility challenges, chronic pelvic pain, or pelvic floor dysfunction — the symptoms you're experiencing don't have to control your life.

At Full Circle Birth & Pelvic Health in Naperville, we work with you to not only take your symptoms seriously but also to embark on a journey back to health. Our personalized consultations include:

  • An in-depth initial evaluation to understand your unique needs and symptoms.
  • Comprehensive assessments to determine the best course of treatment.
  • Personalized treatment plans that may include visceral manipulation, manual therapy, and targeted exercises.
  • Education and support to help you make lifestyle changes that enhance pelvic health and help you conceive.