Early Labor

In early labor, I encourage my clients to REST. If possible, I recommend going back to sleep or taking a nap in order to conserve energy for active labor. There will be a time when labor demands your attention. Until then, rest.

In early labor, I encourage my clients to EAT if hungry and DRINK often. It is essential to take in nourishment in the form of fluids or easily digestible proteins and carbs. A dehydrated or starved body cannot labor as effectively as a well-nourished one.

In early labor, I encourage my clients to URINATE every hour. A full bladder can inhibit uterine activity and become an obstacle for birth, while an empty bladder makes more space for the uterus to work on bringing baby down.

In early labor, I encourage my clients to POSITION CHANGE often. I assist my clients in position changes every 30-60 minutes. This increases engagement, promotes uterine activity, shortens labor, reduces discomfort, and helps to avoid fetal distress.

In early labor, I encourage my clients to WALK in order to open up the pelvic inlet. This reduces labor time, helps with baby positioning, and reduces the need for pain-relieving drugs.

There are many ways we can work together to support your body during early labor!