Naperville Doula

Doula Services for a Supported and Empowering Birth Experience

At Full Circle Birth & Pelvic Health, we understand what a transformational experience this will be for you and your family, and it is our absolute privilege to journey alongside you through this sacred time. Our dedicated team of doulas provides personalized care to women in Chicagoland and throughout the Southwest Suburbs — ensuring you feel prepared, confident, and supported throughout your pregnancy, birth, and postpartum journey.

Doula in Naperville, IL

Finding compassionate support to guide you through your birthing experience — from your first prenatal appointment through your delivery and recovery — is essential. Creating a birth plan that aligns with your values and preferences is a priority. Full Circle Birth & Pelvic Health doulas offer:

  • Personalized prenatal preparation to address your fears, hopes, and desires surrounding your birth.
  • Continuous support throughout labor and delivery, ensuring you feel empowered in your choices, and cared for.
  • Postpartum follow-up to support your recovery and help you bond with your newborn during this precious time.
  • Meaningful connection and a strong relationship built over time, that continues even after the baby is born.

Our experienced doulas combined with the medical credentials of our physical therapists uniquely position us to support you far beyond what the traditional doula can offer.

Birth Doula in Naperville, IL

Our Doula Packages

Basic Birth Package

The Basic Birth package is perfect for the woman looking to establish a relationship with a doula who will help her prepare for birth, attend her birth, and equip her with the tools needed to help her heal after childbirth. This package includes:

  • 2 x Prenatal Preparation Sessions: These sessions allow us to get to know your family, discuss your birth preferences, create a birth plan, explore pain coping strategies, and begin planning for postpartum.
  • Access to Resource Library: Includes The Birth Blueprint, a step-by-step guide to preparing your mind and body for birth.
  • Unlimited Communication: Available via phone, text, email, and Voxer from the time of hire.
  • 24-Hour On Call Support: Begins at 36 weeks gestation.
  • Continuous Labor and Delivery Support: At your chosen location (hospital, home, or birth center).
  • Postpartum Support: Assistance with bonding and initial breastfeeding within the first two hours after birth.
  • 1 x Postpartum Follow-Up Session: A home visit within the first two weeks postpartum to reflect on your birth story, provide holistic healing, and address any difficulties.

Full Circle Package

The Full Circle Package is ideal for the woman committed to investing in her pelvic floor health and who understands the benefits of prioritizing it before and after delivery. This package includes everything in the Basic Birth Package, plus:

  • 6 Sessions of Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy: These sessions can be used prenatally, to get your body in the best shape for delivery by addressing pelvic alignment, pelvic floor muscle function and any other soft tissue restrictions, to optimize fetal position for an easier delivery, and to ease any aches and pains that you may be experiencing. Sessions can also be used postpartum, to evaluate, screen and treat common postpartum issues including diastasis recti, pelvic pain and urinary leakage. We can split them up however we need to in your individualized plan of care and additional sessions can be added a la carte as needed.
  • Insurance: All Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy sessions can be submitted to insurance for reimbursement

Frequently Asked Questions

In Greek, the word doula translates to woman caregiver. It is a term used to describe a professionally trained and experienced labor companion who provides continuous physical, emotional, and informational support to a mother and her partner before, during, and shortly after childbirth.

Birth doulas meet with you prenatally, offer support throughout your labor and birth, and are there for you as you transition into your postpartum chapter. Some things that are included in doula work: prenatal visits, telephone/email support, on-call availability, continuity of care, assistance and support during labor and birth, assistance with optimal fetal positioning (which can be discussed prenatally and utilized during the birth process), aromatherapy, massage, photography, breastfeeding support, resources and much more.

A midwife and a doula have two very different, but also complementing roles. A midwife is responsible for your physical well being and that of your child and all of the medical tasks associated with this. A doula is responsible for providing emotional, physical and informational support, but does not perform medical tasks such as assessing fetal heart tones, starting an IV, or administering medication. Often your midwife needs to focus on the physiological aspect and potential hurdles of your labor and birth and your doula can help you understand everything that is happening and facilitate a positive experience.

Doulas support any and all birth, from midwife-supported home births to birth center births to unmedicated hospital births to scheduled cesarean births.

You can hire a doula at any time! We’ve had clients hire us right after getting a positive test and clients hire us at 39-weeks pregnant. Typically, the beginning of your third trimester is a good time to have your doula secured by. Hiring a doula earlier on in your pregnancy is also advantageous because it allows you to take advantage of support longer and to form a trusting relationship with your doula over time.

A common question we get is, “Will my partner feel left out?” Honestly, this is a very valid question. Many think that a doula takes the role of the partner when, in fact, our role supports them as well. We firmly believe that our role as your doula is to amplify support, and that goes for your partner too. We have worked with many different birthing partners, yet they all have one thing in common: Your partner knows you better than anyone else. Even if they aren’t sure how to support you in labor/birth, they know your fears, preferences and desires. We work with your partner by encouraging them, offering guidance and suggestions when needed, reminding them to also stay hydrated and to take bathroom breaks, and more. If your partner has witnessed birth before, they still deserve support and the comfort in knowing they are supported as well.