Menstrual Cycle Check

I don’t know about you, but I (like so many others) was put on birth control almost immediately after first getting my cycle, and I stayed on it for a decade. I wish someone had educated me on my period when I was younger, about the different phases and the norms. Instead, I was “taught” […]

What to Expect From Your First Visit With a Pelvic PT

So, what does your first visit to a pelvic floor PT look like anyway? Well, an initial evaluation typically consists of 5 things: discussion, education, examination, plan of care, and home exercises. Now let’s break it down even further… Discussion – The first visit always starts with a lot of talking. You will tell your […]

Survival Guide for the Newly Nursing Mom

As a doula, part of my role is to help my clients foster a breastfeeding relationship immediately after birth. But, since I am here to support all mamas – I am going to let you in on 5 key tips that will help you navigate your breastfeeding journey with your new baby. KEEP BABY ON […]

Hormones: Can’t live with ’em, can’t live without ’em.

Boosting hormone function is vital in overall physical and mental health. Estrogen specifically, tends to be a bit more of a problem child for us women throughout our lifespan. Women experience a drop in estrogen levels when they are approaching menopause and after having a baby. Estrogen is a hormone associated with the proper functioning […]

True Life: Everyone Needs a Squatty Potty

Let’t talk about poop. We all do it, but most of us don’t do it well. Constipation affects up to 20% of the worlds population – that’s a lot of people with an unhappy colon! The squatty potty is a game changer when it comes to pooping like a champ. It essentially takes pooping back […]

To Squeeze, or Not to Squeeze, That is the Question

Yes, I channeled Shakespeare for a blog title on Kegels. I couldn’t help myself. But seriously guys – if it really was as simple as doing your kegels, I would be out of a job. Let’s start with a little background info – First described by gynecologist Arnold Kegel in 1948, Kegel exercises are the […]

Mind Full or Mindful?

Lets be real. As women, we have a hundred things flying through our minds all day long. We live off of to-do lists, and take pride in checking items off. We are the multi-tasking champions of the world. Sitting in silence and quieting our minds is foreign to many of us. Meditation and mindfulness take […]

5 Ways to Survive Morning Sickness

Ugh — morning sickness. This is one of the most dreaded symptoms of early pregnancy that occurs due to the increase in hormones surging through your body. Thanks a lot, hCG. Greater than 50% of women experience it in the first trimester. This nausea and vomiting is often the worst in the morning, however, the […]